Trinity Yearbook Index - 1955 to 2020

A yearly publication of the Trinity County Historical Society covering various aspects of Trinity County history.

Updated 12/11/2020


1955: Big Bar (18)
1962: Annals of Trinity County (38)
1967: History of Big Bar Part I (18)
1968: History of Big Bar Part II (8)
1978: Two Tunnels Without End (45)
1993: The Civilian Conservation Corps (5)
1998: Big Bar and Big Flat - First Gold Discovery (51)
          The Earliest People of the Trinity River - The Cox Bar School Site (19)
          Cox Bar School History (26)
2003: The River Face of Del Loma (6)
2010: On Top of the World, The Eagle Ranch and the Ray Howard Family (41)
2011: Eagle Rock Lookout (45)


1956: Joss House (5)
          Story of the China Slide as told by W.A. Huestis (19)
1957: A Chinese War In Weaverville (5)
          Another Version of the Weaverville War (11)
          The Famous China Slide as told by Jake Jackson (19)
1960: When the Chinese Came to Trinity Center (16)
1966: Ah Fong, Joss House Guide (36)
1967: History of Big Bar and Vicinity (24)
1970: Chinese in Trinity County 1865 (13)
1983: Highbinders in Lewiston (21)
1990: Moon Lee Questions & Answers (53)
1994: Moon Lee Ditch (43)
2003: China Gardens, near Grizzly Creek (60)
2020: Eagle Rock Lookout Spotting Fires in the Big Bar Area for Thirty-Eight Years (56)


1959: The First Protestant Church in Trinity County (20)
1967: The Rise Again, Cooperation in Hayfork Built a Church (15)
1969: Some Early Trinity Church History (22)
1977: Trinity County Churches - Photographic Essay (33)
1986: Builder of God (23)
1991: Trinity Congregational Church (53)
2016: China Gardens, Near Grizzly Creek (60)


1955: Douglas City (14)
1958: Annals of Trinity County (31)
1959: Annals of Trinity County (32)
1963: A Sham Marriage & Duel (45)
1976: Trinity County l 876 (19)
1985: Steiner's Flat (17)
1988: Lubertha Edna Post Haydon (36)
1996: The Settlement of Indian Creek (23)
1998: Reading's Bar (13)
2020: Manuel Rais Place (5)
          The Indian Creek Ranch History - The Albiez Saga And The Ties That Bind (44)


1955: Hayfork (25)
1958: The Last Kangaroo Court (12)
1963: Carter House, The Story of a Famous Hayfork Hotel (14)
          Trinity County Fair (42)
          Reminiscences of Tule Creek School (35)
1966: Salt Creek School (14)
1968: How Peanut Was Named (44)
1969: Annals of Trinity County (42)
1970: Annals of Trinity County (45)
1971: Annals of Trinity County (47)
1971: Big Creek Ranch (31)
1980: Hayfork Hotels (33)
1984: Salt Creek School Recollections (49)
1993: Story of the Cuff Ranch and Peanut Post Office (37)
1997: Milking Machine (40)
1999: Hayfork's Old Schoolhouse (60)
2008: Cattle Drove from Big Creek Ranch (47)
2011: Japanese Balloon Landing at Hayfork (1)
2012: Cracker, The One-Man Horse (52)
2013: Alice Crews (63)
2014: A Day Late and a Dollar Short (58)
2020: The Trinity County Fair Over The Years (13)
          The Trinity County Fair From The Perspective Of The Everest Brothers (30)
          History Of Some Of The First Trinity County Fairs (37)


1955: Old North Fork (19)
          Frederick Christian Meckel (38)
1960: Annals of Trinity County (40)
1961: Election Camp (31)
          Annals of Trinity County (52)
1967: Annals of Trinity County (55)
1968: Wedding in Bagdad (43)
          Annals of Trinity County (52)
1990: Jorstad's Cabin & Pfeiffer Flat (3)
          Recollections of W.O. Jorstad (11)
          North Fork Area Miners in the 1930's (17)
1996: The Wilson Ranch at Idaho Bar (21)
2000: The Town of Truworthy (41)
2013: Burlington to North Fork (44) (continued in 2014 ssue the Huestis Family in Trinity County [45])
2014: Lost Bear (W.S. Lowden, Johnny Gardwn, and Fritz, Meckel) (56)


1955: Trinity Center (7)
          Burnt Ranch (20)
1956: Bridge Gulch Massacre (7)
          Annals of Trinity County (26)
1959: How the Weaverville Basin was Formed (23)
1960: Trinity Center (5)
          The Figures on the Canyon Wall (22)
1960: Jedidiah Smith (22)
1966: Beginning of the BigFoot Legend (30)
1969: Indian Wars in Trinity 1858-1865 (36)
1970: Where Have All the Indians Gone? (37)
          Annals of Trinity County (Bridge Gulch Massacre) (45)
1983: "Fort Necessity" (7)
1984: Recollections of Ellen Clifford (7)
          Chimariko Territory (33)
          Indian Headgear (47)
1993: Senaxon of Hledldin - The Place Where the Rivers Come Together (24)
1998: The Discovery and Protection of Trinity County's Heritage (65)
1999: The Earliest People of the Trinity River (19)
          Effects of Euro-American Settlement on the Native Americans i n
          Southwestern Trinity (34)
2001: Indian Defeat and a Walking Skeleton (56)
2013: Ghost Dance (45)


1955: Junction City (17)
1959: Picture of Dedrick, 1904 (24)
1960: An Incident of Canyon Creek (30)
          Annals of Trinity County (40)
1966: Canyon Creek Mysteries (17)
1967: Old Burial Grounds (59)
          Annals of Trinity Co. (35)
1984: Gold, Greed and Murder (24)
1986: Red Hill Mines (29)
1987: The Heurtevant Murder (39)
1988: William "Birrie" Gray (33)
1989: Site of the Junction City School (43)
1991: Early Mining Activities in the Dedrick Mining District (1)
1995: Wells Fargo - A Part of Junction City History (5)
1996: One Hundred Years as a Legal Township (4)
2014: An Eagle Airship (Mark Post of Junction City) (21)
          A Diary of the 1964 Storm at Junction City (27)
          Junction City (35)
2015: The Sheridan Brothers of Junction City (42)


1957: The Longridge Case (Littlefield) (21)
          Early Trespassers in Weaverville (25)
          Desperate Encounter with Highwaymen (47)
1958: Isabelle Hoffman Martin "Queen of Dynamite" (5)
          The Last Kangaroo Court (12)
          Black Bart (29)
1959: With His Boots On (5)
1961: First Stage Robbery in Trinity County (42)
1963: Saint or Sinner? Interesting Tales of a Trinity Badman (20)
          Bebeau & Holmes Murders, Tragedy in Hayfork (32)
1966: The Lynching of the Ruggles Brothers (4)
          Hidden Treasure (11)
          One Small Clue, A Killer Brought to Justice (41)
1968: Kunz, Ben Arthur Trials in Erickson Case Recalled (36)
1974: Old Davis (28)
1975: The Murder of Eliza Vanderburg and William Horton (20)
1983: Trinity County Bank Gets Robbed (46)
1984: Gold, Greed and Murder (24)
1994: Death of the Devoted Immigrant (17)
2009: 1948 Murder at Wildwood (1)
2010: The Killing of Edward Jose (31)
2011: Milton Sharp, Trinity County Miner and Nevada-California Stage Robber
2012: Stage Robbery at Scott Mountain (48)
2013: Making Tracks (51)
2016: Sheriff Wilson and the Wilson Family of Lewiston (23)
          The Murder of John Myers (38)
          An Englishman Knifed Up New River (62)
2017: Eric Erickson, The New River Mail Robber (40)


1955: Lewiston (11)
1958: Annals of Trinity County (31)
1962: Excerpts from the Trinity Journal (24)
1972: History of Deadwood (5)
          Lewiston, 100 Years of Deadwood (10)
1977: Gold Rush Scrapbook (42)
1978: Two Tunnels Without an End (45)
1980: Lewiston Sisters with Natural Talents (15)
1987: House Afire (59)
1988: James Francis Hoadley (19)
2003: Wilson Granary (1)
          A Dredge on Rush Creek (18)
2016: Sheriff Harold Wilson and the Wilson Family of Lewiston (23)


1955: Salyer (20)
          Burnt Ranch (20)
1956: Story of the China Slide
1957: The Famous China Slide (19)
1962: Annals of Trinity County (38)
1963: Annals of Trinity County (46)
1996: The Wilson Ranch at Idaho Bar (21)
          The Wallen Ranch & Irving Family of Hawkins Creek (36)
1998: Rich Bar and the Josiah Gregg Party -The Birth of the First Supply Route to the Coast (17)
1998: The Martinville Area of Lower Trinity (47)
2003: Life During the Depression, i nterview with Coralee Stuart (27)
2004: A History of Education in Burnt Ranch (42)
2005: Forest Glen & Salyer Guard Stations (18)
2012: A History of the Downriver Mail (21)
2013: Rebecca Trimble (56)
2014: Monster Turnip (Messrs. Wilshire & Sanford) (56)


1955: Minersville (9)
1957: Annals of Trinity County (35)
1960: County Directory 1885: Minersville & Trinity Center (26)
1961: History and Life on the Van Matre Ranch (4)
          The Lost Diggings of Ridgeville (29)
1962: History and Mining in the Southeast Quarter of Minersville Quadrangle (4)
1963: A Teacher Remembers (18)
1966: Annals of Trinity County (48)
2008: An Old Man’s Darling: A Minersville Love Story

MINING See Gold Districts of California 917.98 Library Brown Bear Mine (11)

1955: Brown Bear Mine (11)
1956: The Dorleska Mine (15)
1957: A Man of Many Parts (29)
1958: Recollections of a Childhood Spent in Trinity Mines (40)
1960: County Directory 1885: Minersville & Trinity Center (26)
1961: The Lost Diggings of Ridgeville (29)
1962: History and Mining (4)
          Beaudry Mine (15)
          Fairview (18)
          Excerpts from the Trinity Journal (24)
1963: Gold Strikes in Trinity (8)
          George Bergin's Old Klondike Mine (19)
1966: Altoona Mine: A Famous Quicksilver Diggins (32)
1967: History of Big Bar and Vicinity Part I (18)
1969: La Grange Mine, A Picture Tour (24)
1970: Upper New River, A Tale of Three Cities (18)
1972: Brown Bear Mine (18)
1974: Bucket Line Dredges (8)
1975: Gold Scrapbook from Early Trinity Journals (36)
          Gold Scrapbook from Early Trinity Journals (40)
1977: Ancient River Channel (18)
1978: Two Tunnels Without an End (45)
1982: The Bonanza King (11)
1983: Search for William Ware (23)
1985: Paymaster Mine, Part I (7)
1986: Lowden Maps & Red Hill Mines (29)
          Paymaster Part II (36)
1990: North Fork Area Miners in the 30's (17)
1991: Early Mining Activities in the Dedrick Mining District (1)
1994: The Moon Lee Ditch (43)
1995: Early Mining Along Indian Creek (18)
2001: Re-Floating the Fairview Placers Dredge (37)
2003: Gold vs. Graves (Graves Lost) (21)
2004: Frank & Anna Rose at the Headlight Mine (1)
          Ridgeway Mine and Stamp Mill (24)
2009: Jack Martin i s Dead (10)
2010: Doodlebugs on the Trinity (1)
2012: Miner’s Musings (Poems) (33)
2013: A Dredge On Rush Creek (18)
2015: The New River Hydraulic Mining Company (14)
          The Coffee Creek Gold Rush of 1897 (25)
2016: Hard Loss (22)
2017: Smith Flat: An Archaeological and Historical Study of a Placer Mine (17)


1993: They Changed Trinity and Trinity Changed Them - The Civilian Conservation Corps (5)
1994: Early Agriculture in Trinity (30)
1998: Welcome to the Trinity County Sesquicentennial Trinity Yearbook Title Index 1955-1997 (69)
1999: Diversity: The Second Year of Trinity County's Sesquicentennial (1)
          The First White Woman in Trinity (4)
2000: Destiny: Third Year of Trinity County Sesquicentennial (1)
          County Sesquicentennial Committee Successful (2)
2000: Political Growth of Trinity Co, History of Voting in Trinity County (46)
2001: Hocker’s Piano (26)
2002: World War II - Letters home from Bob Young (6)
2003: County Treasurer’s Report of 1851-1852 (8)
          Carrie Kelvin, Sweetheart of the Western Trails (fiction) (14)
2004: The Call of the Mountains (Poem by W.W. Riley) (22)
          TCHS Fiftieth anniversary (41)
2005: 100 Years of the Forest Service, The Trinity National Forest 1905-2005 (1)
          Trinity National Forest - Forest Supervisors (21)
          CCC & WPA (22)
          Lookouts (28)
          Conscientious Objectors Camp - WWII (41)
2006: The Weekly Trinity Journal’s First 150 Years
          Trinity County “Good For” Tokens (25)
          Board of Supervisors Activities 1880 (36)
          Trinity Journal Reporting 1880 (40)
          Tales from the Trinity National Forest (49)
2007: Civilian Conservation Corps - Roosevelt’s New Deal (3)
CCC - Trinity County Camps
CCC - Map of Trinity County Camps (8)
2008: J.J. “Jake” Jackson Museum Celebrates 40 Years (7)
2009: Oldest Resident in 1915 (62)
2010: William Gay Kirkham, Patriot or Scoundrel? (22)
2011: William Spencer Lowden Tales in 1909 Magazine (13)
          Trinity Shorts (mail service, stagecoach accidents, training mules, etc.) (57)
2012: Lamoine Railroad in trinity County (1)
          A History of the Downriver mail (21)
          Cracker, the One Man Horse (52)
          Little Stories (58)
1910 Telephone Directory (60)
2013: Gold Is Where You Find It - Seventy-Five Years Ago (1)
2014: The 1964 Christmas Week Storm (1)
          Teenager (Ken Gott), and Rescue Team Save a Weaverville Man (H.M. Nelly) (20)
          Query Cholera Morbus (57)
2015: Jerusalem Artichoke (24)
          Fire Brick (24)
          Kite Flying (59)
          Reflections on a Complex Trinity County Genealogy Pierce/Trimble (60)
2016: Children’s Day (22)
          Trinity Journal Awarded (22)
          From England to East Weaver (47)
          An Unpleasant Trip Saml. Kitto (58)
          Rattler Lunges from High Bank to Attack Horse of Eugene O. Burrill (61)
2017: Telegraphing the Trinity (1)
          The Mystery of the Burnt Ranch Name (57)
2018: “Canning” the Kaiser and Fighting the Flu (1)
2020: Sledding Over The Summit (1)
          The Trinity County Fair Over The Years (13)
          The Trinity County Fair From The Perspective Of The Everest Brothers (30)
          History Of Some Of The First Trinity County Fairs (37)


1995: Hayfork (25)
1956: Bridge Gulch Massacre (7)
1970: Annals of Trinity County (45)


1955: Denny (23)
1961: Election Camp (31)
1968: Annals of Trinity County (52)
1970: Upper New River, Tale of Three Cities (18)
1982: A Landslide of Thrills But Not of Votes (5)
1985: Taylor's Flat Cave (Del Loma Cave) (53)
1996: The Dailey's (7)
1998: New River and Some of Its First Settlers (52)
2003: Hard Rock in White Rock, New River (45)
2009: Trapper Harry Nonnemaker (53)
2010: William Gay Kirkham, Patriot or Scoundrel? (22)
2017: Eric Erickson, The New River Mail Robber (40)


1961: First Stage Robbery in Trinity County (42)
1966: Buckhorn Station, Early Day Stage stop (27)
1969: Packing Over Trinity Trails (4)
2001: Early Trinity County Roads (22)
2001: A Horseless Buggy Comes to Town (48)
2003: George Bramlett & His Pack Train - A Costly Gamble on the Eel River-Weaverville Trail (40)
2014: Prospector Carries Burro, Load Across North Fork Ford (21)
2020: Sledding Over The Summit (1)


1963: A Teacher Remembers (18)
          Reminiscences of Tule Creek School (35)
          Teacher's Institute in 1913 (58)
1966: Salt Creek School (14)
1967: "Auntie Cee" Biography of a Trinity School Teacher (52)
1983: Memories of My Trinity County Education (31)
1988: Founding of Trinity High School (7)
1995: Grass Valley School in the Twenties and 3-R's (32)
1999: Cox Bar School History (26)
          Hayfork's Old School House (60)
2002: May Flower Poem from Lewiston School in 1870 (13)
2004: A History of Education in Burnt Ranch (42)


1955: Zenia (28)
          Ruth (29)
1956: Deadman's Camp (6)
          Thomas G. Duncan (6)
1959: Ruth and Hetten Valley (16)
1963: Post Office at Ruth (41)
1966: How Mad River Got Its Name (22)
1967: Memories of Early Days on Mad River (29)
1968: Mad River Murder (36)
1973: Zenia (35)
1978: South of the South Fork (4)
1982: Island Mountain (47)
          Crank Telephones (45)
1984: Pete McCloud, Mad River Recluse (41)
1987: Depression Days in Southern Trinity (10)
1998: Early Trails of Southwestern Trinity County (29)
          My Life in Southern Trinity at the Turn of the Century (37)
1999: Effects of Euro-American Settlement on the Native
          Americans in Southwestern Trinity (34)
2000: Seven Cedars Halfway Between Zenia and Kettenpom (7)
2008: Summer of Dubakella (44)
          Hoaglin Recollections (51)
2015: 50 Year Old Yeast Still has a Kick (24)


1957: Ordeal on the South Fork (17)
1959: With His Boots On (5)
1963: Charles D. Bramlet (4)
          Random Notes on the Upper South Fork (56)
1966: Random Notes on the Upper South Fork Part II (43)
1967: Random Notes on the Upper South Fork, Part III (44)
          Who Were the Evelands? (45)
1971: Hyampom - Reminiscences of Paradise (43)
1976: Annals of Trinity County (37)
1982: A Tragedy in Hyampom (27)
          The Railroad that Almost Was (28)
1991: Camp Trinity on the Bar 717 Ranch (30)
1992: The Old Forest Glen Station (49)
2005: Forest Glen & Salyer Guard Stations
2008: The Suspension Bridge at Camp Trinity (34)
2011: The Hyampom Trail 1850-1923 Supplying the Trinity Goldfields (20)


1955: Trinity Center & Coffee Creek Areas (7)
1956: Annals of Trinity County (26)
1957: Annals of Trinity County (35)
1960: Trinity Center (5)
          When the Chinese Came to Trinity & Trinity Center (16)
          County Directory 1885 (26)
          The Story of Scott's Ranch (31)
1962: Excerpts from the Trinity Journal (24)
1973: Early Days on Coffee Creek (Carrville) (6)
          Ethel Steele Pettis (33)
          Abrams Cabin (Carrville) (31)
1976: Trinity Center 1876 (16)
1989: Tales of the Mountain Store (52)
          The Rich Pocket Find (67)
1991: Hodges' Cabin (41)
1992: The Carrville Inn (11)
1993: The Dodge Family & Two N. Trinity Stage Stops (45)
1995: A Glimpse of Old Trinity Center (47)
2001: The Trinity Alps Story (28)
          The Obscure East Fork (Coffee Creek) (58)
2004: Frank & Anna Rose at the Headlight Mine (1)
          A 1902 Letter from Anna Rose (18)
2010: Armon Heffington, Lobbyist for Trinity Lake (14)
2012: Lamoine Railroad in Trinity County (1)
          Disasters at Coffee Creek (56)
2014: The Storm at coffee Creek (22)
2015: The Coffee Creek Gold Rush of 1897 (25)


1955: Old Weaver (15)
1956: Joss House (5)
          Winter 1852-53 (21)
          Annals of Trinity County (26)
1957: A Chinese War in America (5)
          Another Versions of the Weaverville War (11)
          The First Brick Buildings (13)
          Early Trespasser Weaverville (25)
1958: J.J. Jackson Pioneer Museum (19)
          Early History of Weaverville Fire Dept. (24)
          Mixing Up the Babies (30)
1959: The Incorporation Weaverville (12)
          How Weaverville Basin Was Formed (23)
          The Picture of the White Steer (44)
1961: Electric Lights in Weaverville (28)
          Looking Back (43)
1963: First Auto in Weaverville (28)
          A History of Eltapome Parlor No.25 Native Daughters of The Golden West (28)
          Weaverville's Newspaper History (55)
1966: Trinity Lodge No. 27 F&M (23)
1967: Weaverville Diary 1859 (6)
1968: Weaverville Growth (7)
1971: Weaverville Historical District (4)
1975: Old Weaverville Residences (5)
          The German Hospital Society (40)
1976: History of Eltapome Ladies Band (5)
          Trinity County 1876 (12)
1977: Leaves from a Forest Ranger’s Diary (5)
1978: It Was A Man's World (26)
          A Hundred Year Old Bell (43)
1979: The Photographers Trinity County 1850-1900 (5)
1980: Old Court House (38)
          Saluting Cannon (19)
          First Theater (43)
1982: The First Airmail Flight from Trinity County (52)
1983: A History of the Weaverville Drug Store (49)
1984: Clifford Bldg. (14)
1985: Edith Johnson Smallen (28)
1986: A Builder of God (23)
          Electricity Comes to Weaverville (47)
1987: Weaverville 1929 (6)
          Depression Time in Trinity (10)
          Edith Smallen, Part II (13)
          Jennie Jackson (46)
1988: Founding of Trinity High School (7)
          Water System in Weaverville (54)
1989: Museum Gun Collection (7)
          Peter Minert Paulsen (18)
1990: Old Settler's Society (49)
          Moon Lee Questions and Answers (53)
1991: The Story of a House (13)
          Trinity Congregational Church (53)
1992: The Trinity County Free Library (1)
1994: The Moon Lee Ditch (43)
1997: Return of the Redding & Weaverville Stage (1)
1998: Thirty Years of Accomplishment - Jake Jackson Museum and Historical Park (5)
          One Hundred Years for the Weaverville Fire District (11)
1999: The Browders, a Prominent Black Family of Early Weaverville (54)
2000: Firing the Cannon Results in Death (57)
2001: Trinity Alps Golf Club, former racetrack & airport (17)
          A Yankee Trader in the Gold Rush [Letters of Franklin Buck] (62)
2002: Is the Search for Weaver Over? (21)
          Weaverville 1850-1860, The Phoenix (34)
          Early Weaverville Banking and Express Company (47)
          Weaverville Old & New [Poem 1943] (57)
2003: Hospital Complaints in 1860 (16)
          Weaverville in 1853 (18)
2005: The Weekly Trinity Journal’s First 150 Years (1)
2006: Weaverville Volunteer Fire Department’s 100 Years (48)
2008: J.J. “Jake” Jackson Museum Celebrates 40 Years (7)
2011: Weaverville’s 1917 American LaFrance Fire Engine (37)
2012: The Great Truck Wreck (42)
1910 Telephone Directory (60)
2013: Gold Is Where You Find It - Seventy-Five Years Ago (1)
          The First Weaverville Post Office (6)
2014: Sink Hole (56)
2016: From England to East Weaver (47)
2018: Fifty Years of the Jake Jackson Museum; Sixty-Four Years of the Trinity County Historical Society (53)
2020: The Day Ranch (9)
          Jacob Davis In Weaverville (50)


ALBIEZ - The Indian Creek Ranch History - The Albiez Saga and the Ties That Bind 2020: (44)
ALLEN - Biography of Phoebe P. Allen 1956: (32)
BARTLETT - Personal Recollections and Discoveries 1994: (4)
BOWERMAN -The Bowermans 1976: (22)
BRAGDON - The Connections Between Four Prominent Trinity Families - The
Tourtellottes, Heaths, Bragdons, and Duncans 2016: (1)
BRAMLET - Charles D. Bramlet, Trinity Pioneer 1963: (4)
George Washington Bramlet 2020: (38)
BREMER - Edna Thayer Bremer Biography 1958: (21)
BROWDER - The Browders, a Prominent Black Family 1999: (54)
CHAPMAN - George Phelps Chapman Biography 1962: (20)
CHAPMAN - Grorge P. 2014: (56)
CLIFFORD - Recollections of Ellen Clifford 1984: (7)
COYLE - Mary Fallon Coyle, A Pioneer 1968: (27)
CREWS - Alice 2013: (63)
COUMBS - Daisy Mary Davidson Crews 2015: (57)
DAILEY - The Daileys 1986: (7)
DAVIS - Jacob Davis In Weaverville 2020: (50)
DAY - The Day Ranch 2020: (9)
DEDRICK - Daniel Charles Dedrick -The Legend and the Man 1992: (40)
DENVER - General James W. Denver in Early County Politics 2000 (59)
DODGE - Two Northern Trinity Stage stops 1993: (45)
DUNCAN - Thomas G. Duncan 1956: (25)
DUNCAN - Howard Duncan, Trinity Fire Guard 2005: (55)
DUNCAN - The Connections Between Four Prominent Trinity Families - Tourtellottes,
Heaths, Bragdons, and Duncans 2016: (1)
ESTES - John 2014: (57)
EWING - Henrietta Ewing, First Lady of Weaverville 1974: (37)
FINGAL - Jack 2009: (43)
GALLAND - “Doctor” Abraham Galland of Canyon City 2003: (23)
GATES - Camp Trinity of the Bar 717 Ranch 1991: (30)
GIVEN - Cush 2014 (56)
GREGG - Rich Bar and the Josiah Gregg Party 1998: (17)
GROSSE - Death of the Devoted Immigrant 1994: (17)
GUMMER - Jessie Ellen Brown Gummer 1959: (26)
HAMILTON - William Hamilton 1975: (30)
HAYDON - Lubertha Edna Post Haydon 1988: (36)
HEATH - The Connections Between Four Prominent Trinity Families - Tourtellottes,
Heaths, Bragdons, and Duncans 2016: (1)
HOADLEY - James Francis Hoadley 1988: (19)
HOCKER - Henry Hocker and His Brother John 1996: (10)
HUESTIS - The Huestis Family A.J. Huestis 201: (45)
IRVING - The Wallen Ranch and Irving Family of Hawkins Creek 1996: (36)
JACKSON - Jake Jackson, Man of Vision 1967: (4)
JACKSON - Jennie Carr Jackson 1976: (47)
JONES - Theodore Eldon H Jones 1976: (28)
LANG - Max Lang 1987: (32)
LEAS - George W. Leas of Buckhorn Station 1966: (27)
LEE - Moon Lee Questions & Answers 1990: (53)
LORENZ - Henry Lorenz Biography 1969: (46)
LOVETT - The Lovetts Contribute 1968: (30)
LOWDEN - William S. Lowden 1958: (16)
LOWDEN - William Spencer Lowden Tales in 1909 magazine 2011: (13)
MARTIN - Isabelle Hoffman Martin, Queen of Dynamite 1958: (5)
MARTIN - The Flomena Martin Story 1999: (7)
MECKEL - Frederick C. Meckel 1955: (38)
MESSEC - Capt. Isaac G. Messec 1976: (33)
NUNN - Leonard Nunn, Biography of a Forest Service Employee 2005: (58)
PALMER - Tom Palmer and the Buried Treasure 1982: (23)
PAULSEN - Peter Minert Paulsen 1989: (19)
PAULSEN - Anna Barbara Paulsen 1990: (43)
RAIS - Manuel Rais Place 2020: (5)
READING - Major P.B. Reading, Man of Many Parts 1957: (29) Reading's Bar 1998,(13)
READING - Major Pierson Barton Reading, Trinity’s Columbus 2001 (11)
RICE - Jennie Picket, Diaries 2009: (18)
ROSE - Frank & Anna of the headlight Mine 2004 (1)
SCHWEDLER - Amelia “Millie” Schwedler of New River (58)
ST. JACQUES - Charlie - Charlie St. Jacques, King of the South Fork 2015: (38)
SENAXON - Senaxon of Hleldin, The Place Where the Rivers Come Together 1993: (24)
SHERIDAN - the Sheridan Brothers of Junction City 2015: (42)
SHUFORD - Louisa O. Shuford, A Valiant Woman 1957: (41)
SMALLEN - Edith Johnson Smallen 1985: (28), 1987: (13)
STEELE - Ethel Steele Pet tis 1973: (33)
STUART - Octa “Coralee” Stuart of Salyer 2003: (27)
TODD - The Irrepressible Irish Colleen, Eliza Todd 2011: (8)
TOURTELLOTTES - The Connections Between Four Prominent Trinity County Families
The Tourtellottes, Heaths, Bragdons, and Ducans 2016: (1)
TRIMBLE - Rebecca 2013: (56)
TRUEWORTHY - Captain T.E. Trueworthy An Old Timer 2014: (57)
VAN MATRE - The Van Matres 1961:(4)
VAUGHN - Maria Greenleaf Vaughn 2015: (48)
VAUGHN - Vaughn Spring 2015: (62)
VOLMERS - Vollmers Family Memories 1971: (28)
WALTER - Frederick Walter of the Pacific Brewery 1980: (4)
WARE - Search for William Ware 1983: (23)
WEAVER - George Pauline 2002: (21)
WEINHEIMER - Cecilia Weinheimer, Biography of a Trinity School Teacher 1967: (51)
YOCOM - George Washington Brush Yocom, Pioneer, Miner, Politician 2000: (21)
YOUNG - Frank Wayland Young, He Kept a Diary 1967: (32)



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